Jun 26, 2014

Life, TV shows and why I've been MIA. (no makeup)

Sorry for the MIA you guys.. I've been feeling down and a bit unhappy recently. Just been mooping around without makeup and plowing through a bunch of tv shows. Im now done with Castle, Broad City, Jane By Design, My Mad Fat Diary, Dead Like Me and I just started with Greek. Im also trying to get through Angel but that show is the worst. I mean I love Buffy and all, but Angel? Meh.

This scene made/makes my cry like a little child, tears and snot everywhere! 

I am the only one that is having issues with following serious shows? I need my comic relief! While I really enjoy Hannibal, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Salem, Penny Dreadful, Dollhouse and Rosemary's Baby, I never watch the episodes. I start playing with my phone or derp on the internet while watching, and then I get unfocused and have no clue what the episode is about. Am I the only one with this issue? :')
Also, am I the only person left on the planet that doesn't follow Game of Thrones or Dr Who? Or didn't enjoy Breaking Bad? Or keeps watching Mad Men even though I think the show is crap? ^^
I must say that my favorit show right now is from youtube - Co-Optitude, haha! I just love watching the chemistry between Felicia Day and her brother Ryon. They are hilarious!

I think Im starting to feel better, so makeup post are not too far in the future. Is it anything you guys wants to see?
Hope you're having an awesome summer!

My cat Molly on the balcony

dog Kaylee - stuck in her own crusty chest hair 

Also, Im groving peppers!